
Nook usb not recognized
Nook usb not recognized

nook usb not recognized

This hypothesis is corroborated by the attempt to charge but failing as indicated by transition of coloured lights. Whatever be the actual reason, the Battery refuses to charge, since the protection circuit has kicked in. Batteries "self-discharge", at a slow rate but in your case, it drained out faster, since the initial charge current may have been low (guessing). The device may have been kept in storage for long, with a low battery level. Li Ion batteries have a protection circuit that kicks in when the discharge falls below a certain level. Yay! You should disconnect the external DC source it's no longer needed. Step 6: Plug your Nook into charger and wait a few seconds: the indicator light will now stay solid orange meaning the charging current is passing through.

nook usb not recognized

Step 5: Connect the positive lead from the external power source to the "VBAT" test point, connect negative (or ground) lead to the "BAT-" test point. I guess, any voltage between 1.8 - 3.7 should work. I used my homemade adjustable DC power supply setting it to 2.5 V. For this, you'll need an external voltage source. Step 4: You have to trick the control chip into "thinking" that the battery is still "good". Step 3: Locate the gold test points on circuit board under the wires: "VBAT" under the red wires, "BAT-" under the black wires. Step 2: Locate the battery cable composed of three red, three black, one blue, and one yellow wires. Step 1: Open the Nook by prying the front panel to get access to mounting screws, then unscrew the back panel. The bottom line: if the battery voltage drops below 1.8 V, the stupid control chip assumes the battery is "bad" and refuses to pass the charging current consistent with the observed symptoms. Nothing worked, until I read technical details in this post:

#Nook usb not recognized Pc#

I have tried: Rebooting the PC Rebooting the Nook The Nook is fully Charged The Cable will charge the Nook from the wall plug. Now the PC will not recognize the Nook Color. I was able to connect the nook to my PC with the USB cable. When left on charger for many hours, the indicator would start blinking red. Two weeks ago I downloaded a library book and everything worked fine. I had similar symptoms with my Nook HD+ : when plugged into charger the indicator light turned green, then orange, but only for a second, then went dark.

Nook usb not recognized